Labor law changes constantly at the state and federal level. It’s nearly impossible to stay on top of all of this information. If your Employee Handbook contains policies that are inconsistent with the law, this leaves your company exposed to potential lawsuits and thousands in fees and fines.
A well maintained Employee Handbook is one of the single best defenses against unwarranted employee claims and EEOC issues. Claims with any legitimacy can cost up to $40,000.
What’s the Process?
It couldn’t be easier!
Simply visit your member portal, and locate Handbook Review under products.
You will be asked to upload a current copy of your handbook, along with the number of employees your company has and in what State or States you operate in.
How Long Does the Process Take?
Handbook reviews take 7-10 business days to complete. Your handbook is being reviewed for all pertinent State and Federal laws to ensure it is compliant to best protect your company. You will receive an accurate assessment of your handbook's compliance in these categories.
How Much Does it Cost?
As a member or prospect, we provide this service to you at no cost! We feel it is vitally important that you understand the possible negative implications of having a handbook that is out of compliance, and that you're kept up to date on the most recent changes.
How Do I Get Started?
Simply visit your member portal store to order!
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